Grant Me
Movies that Matter On Tour

Grant Me

Movies That Matter


A 9-year-old Iranian girl plans to sue her parents after their bitter divorce in a lively and bittersweet film directed by her aunt. A fresh, contemporary contribution to the great Iranian tradition of films about the world of children. Every second Monday of the month there will be new Movies that Matter On Tour film in Louis Hartlooper Complex. Every film has specific side program created by the volunteers of Movies that Matter.


Atiye Zare Arandi
78 min.
Iran, Belgium


Melina lives with her loving grandparents in the Iranian city of Isfahan. Her parents have divorced and neither her mum nor her dad are able to take care of their daughter. Melina wants to live with her mum in Tehran, but both her unpredictable father and her new stepfather won’t allow it. When the strong-willed Melina turns 9, she has an idea: she wants to start a custody battle. But her plans are challenged by the complicated realities of adult life.

Director Atiye Zare Arandi is also Melina’s aunt, and their close relationship provides a unique insight into her life and thoughts. From scolding her mum in the car, to getting on her dad’s nerves on the phone, to putting nail polish on her good-natured grandfather. Conflicts, phone calls and children’s games weave in and out of each other in a film that contributes a fresh perspective to the grand Iranian cinematic tradition of depicting the world of children and the incomprehensible reality of adults.